Drag & drop your IHC image

or video for stitching here

(or click the upload button)

Upload your IHC image

or video for stitching

Maximum image size: 4096 x 4096 pixels.
For best results, use an image with resolution of 10X or higher.
Supports any of the more than 150 image formats that meet the Bio-Formats standard.
For video stitching, use an MP4 or AVI video less than 512 MB in size.
Do not upload images with protected health information (PHI) or personally identifiable information (PII).

Upload Complete!

Please select the image resolution
and click begin to start processing.

Estimated time:
(Time can vary based on server load)

Upload Complete!

Please select the video resolution
and click begin to start stitching.

Please Wait

Something went wrong!

Number of total nuclei:
Number of IHC+ cells:
Percentage of IHC+ cells:
Click the button above to perform interactive size gating of the tumor cells and update the IHC scoring.

Feedback Form

We appreciate constructive feedback in order to help improve this tool.

Or process one of these sample images by clicking on it:

Sample Image
512 x 512  |  Ki67 Marker  |  40x
Image from BCDataset
Sample Image
512 x 512  |  Ki67 Marker  |  40x
Image from BCDataset
Sample Image
513 x 513  |  Ki67 Marker  |  40x
Image from DeepSlides
Sample Image
513 x 513  |  Ki67 Marker  |  40x
Image from DeepSlides
Sample Image
512 x 512  |  Ki67 Marker  |  40x
Image from DeepLIIF
Sample Image
512 x 512  |  Ki67 Marker  |  40x
Image from DeepLIIF
Sample Image
512 x 512  |  Ki67 Marker  |  40x
Image from DeepLIIF
Sample Image
512 x 512  |  Ki67 Marker  |  40x
Image from DeepLIIF
Sample Image
2100 x 1300  |  Ki67 Marker  |  20x
Image from neuroendocrine_
Sample Image
2100 x 1300  |  Ki67 Marker  |  20x
Image from neuroendocrine_
Sample Image
2202 x 2204  |  CD3 Marker  |  40x
Image from Pan-Tumor
Sample Image
2255 x 2246  |  CD3 Marker  |  40x
Image from Pan-Tumor
Sample Image
2212 x 2215  |  CD3 Marker  |  40x
Image from Pan-Tumor
Sample Image
2216 x 2215  |  CD3 Marker  |  40x
Image from Pan-Tumor

DeepLIIF is a virtual multiplex immunofluorescence (mpIF) restaining technique for immunohistochemistry (IHC) images. Given an IHC image input (brightfield Hematoxylin + DAB protein), DeepLIIF infers high-quality mpIF DAPI (nuclear), mpIF LAP2Beta (nuclear envelope), mpIF protein marker, and semantic segmentation (blue/red cell segmentation masks for IHC scoring). DeepLIIF also generates high-quality mpIF modalities out-of-the-box for H&E images as well.

[Nature Machine Intelligence'22]


